Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yay for next year!

Room sign ups for our last year here at LVC were tonight, and let me tell you, next year is going to be epic.

outside dellingerHere are the future-roomies outside of Dellinger!
Sarah, Emily, me, and Erin.

We have a kitchen, laundry, lobby, and balcony on our end of the floor, plus a bathroom and common area in the suite…it’s gonna be SWEET!

I excite.

Dell 206Here are the future roomies just joshin’ around in our suite.

playing in the showerHere we are playing in the shower! We’re silly.

Yay for next year!

Monday, March 29, 2010

My very own unicorn

According to the ladies over at Letters to Twilight:

A unicorn refers to a mythical creature… meaning a person we’ve only heard to exist but have never seen in real life, i.e.: a man reading Twilight/A male Twilight fan

Ladies and gents, I’ve got my very own unicorn.

brent and twilight
Meet Brent. He’s my bf. He just started reading Twilight. 
I will log his progress.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bananas and Barry Manilow

I found this site called Learn Something Everyday. Every day of the year, they post random facts with funny pictures.
Tried it, it’s true.
Ha. I detest Barry Manilow.
This one is true on so many levels.
Who knew?

R. Pattz can act!

Hold the phone.

This past weekend, some gf’s and I saw Remember Me (Emily wrote up a good review here).


In the movie, Rob Pattinson plays a moody, anger-issues, drinks-and-smokes-too-much kind of guy.

Many would say this is not much of a stretch.


However, R. Pattz is not really a moody, angsty guy.
He’s more of a he’s-so-out-there-what-the-eff-is-he-talking-about kind of guy. Take this vid, for instance.

So…I guess he actually acted the part pretty well!

While I’m still not completely sure what I think of Remember Me (I waiver between absolute detestation and complete adoration on a daily basis), I can say that it did nothing but foster my infatuation with R. Pattz.


For the comments: Have you seen Remember Me? What was your reaction? How do you think Rob did?

Monday, March 8, 2010


Number 1.

3d glasses

Number 2.


Yes’m, Brent and I finally succeeded in seeing Avatar in IMAX 3-D as well as seeing Muse live in concert. All in one weekend. Both of which rocked.

Let’s talk about this sweet weekend. Picked up Brent from work and we sped to KOP to see Avatar. Picked up our reserved tix, walked into the biggest IMAX theater I’ve ever seen in my life, and pooped our pants for how cool Avatar looks in IMAX 3-D.

Next day, woke up and headed to NYC for the day. Went to Central Park and took some pics on rocks.

DSC05965 DSC05967

DSC05969 DSC05981 Found a fun Thai restaurant and ate this amazingness.

DSC05984 Found an Irish pub, where I first ordered the most disgusting drink I’ve ever had a mango-tini, then found out they had Irish Cider (ummmz, hello London!!) and got one of my favs, Magner’s.
Don’t you worry though, Brent and I still managed to finish the glass of pure vodka martini.

Then…..we saw Muse!!

DSC06010 The concert was epic. Srsly.


DSC06026I may have poopty-peupty-pants-ed my pants.

We spent the next two days watching True Blood and NCIS.
Like I said, sweet effing weekend.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Musatar Bad Luck

(Ps. Let’s just skip over the fact I haven’t blogged in almost a month)
I have come to the conclusion that Brent and I have very bad luck when it comes to things we want to see, such as concerts or movies.
As mentioned in this post, Brent and I had bought tickets to see Muse in Spain (while I was studying in Europe), only to be disappointed when the venue changed the concert date.
Disappointment # 1.

A couple weeks back, Brent and I decided we were going to see Avatar in IMAX 3-D (because it is amazeballs in IMAX 3-D). The closest IMAX theater was 50 min away, but we were determined to go see it. We were siked the whole way there, only to find that every single showing for the day was sold out. We saw Lovely Bones instead.
Disappointment #2.

Now, this weekend may or may not be epic. Thursday night, Brent and I have tickets to see the very last showing of Avatar in IMAX 3-D at King of Prussia.  Friday night, we have tickets to see Muse at Madison Square Garden. What’s gonna happen!??!